Output of MPlayer suggested sending to FTP for your inspection. Partial output is as follows:
using MPlayer CVS-021215-01:48-3.2.2

Playing kreuk_MSTR.mov
MOV: Reference Media file!!!
REF: [url ] kreuk_MSTR.mov
REF: [url ] rtsp://demand1.stream.aol.com/time/gl/teenpeople/050302/kreuk_288_S.mov
REF: [url ] rtsp://demand1.stream.aol.com/time/gl/teenpeople/050302/kreuk_56k_S.mov
REF: [url ] rtsp://demand1.stream.aol.com/time/gl/teenpeople/050302/kreuk_T1_S.mov
Detected QuickTime/MOV file format!
MOV track #0: 1 chunks, 0 samples
Image size: 240 x 180 (0 bpp)
Display size: 240 x 180
Fourcc: rle   Codec: 'Animation'
MOV: best streams: A: #-1 (0 samples)  V: #0 (1 samples)
vo: X11 running at 1280x1024 with depth 16 and 16 bpp (":0" => local display)
Disabling DPMS
Opening video decoder: [qtrle] Quicktime Animation (RLE) decoder
*** FYI: This Quicktime file is using 0-bit RLE Animation
encoding, which is not yet supported by MPlayer. But if you upload
this Quicktime file to the MPlayer FTP, the team could look at it.
VDecoder init failed :(