Hello wizards,

Problem:    distorted image independent on -vo settings
            (it's ok under xine or M$/mediaplayer)
            (see escher.png and escher-ok.png)
            (video escher.avi is cut to 1MB)
            Tested in 1.0pre1 and 1.0pre3 - the same bug.

Is something wrong with mplayer or the video itself?

mykhal     mykhal(@)safe-mail.net


Because of bug nature I hope the following info will be enough:

Debain testing (sarge)

log: (complete, with removed player "progress indicator" line)

MPlayer 1.0pre3-2.95.4 (C) 2000-2003 MPlayer Team

CPU: Advanced Micro Devices Duron Spitfire 706.8 MHz (Family: 6, Stepping: 1)
Detected cache-line size is 64 bytes
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 0 SSE2: 0
Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 3DNow 3DNowEx

Reading config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/mplayer.confReading config file /home/michal/.mplayer/config
Reading /home/michal/.mplayer/codecs.conf: 60 audio & 156 video codecs
CommandLine: '-vo' 'xmga' '-v' 'escher.avi'
get_path('font/font.desc') -> '/home/michal/.mplayer/font/font.desc'
font: can't open file: /home/michal/.mplayer/font/font.desc
font: can't open file: /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/font.desc
Using MMX (with tiny bit MMX2) Optimized OnScreenDisplay
Try adding "echo 1024 > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq" to your system startup scripts.
Using usleep() timing
get_path('input.conf') -> '/home/michal/.mplayer/input.conf'
Parsing input config file /home/michal/.mplayer/input.conf
Input config file /home/michal/.mplayer/input.conf parsed: 51 binds
get_path('menu.conf') -> '/home/michal/.mplayer/menu.conf'
Menu inited: /home/michal/.mplayer/menu.conf
get_path('escher.avi.conf') -> '/home/michal/.mplayer/escher.avi.conf'

Playing escher.avi.
[file] File size is 1048576 bytes
STREAM: [file] escher.avi
STREAM: Description: File
STREAM: Author: Albeu
STREAM: Comment: based on the code from ??? (probably Arpi)
AVI file format detected.
======= AVI Header =======
us/frame: 66666  (fps=15,000)
max bytes/sec: 303104
padding: 783318867
frames  total: 2555   initial: 12
streams: 2
Suggested BufferSize: 20480
Size:  150 x 118
==> Found video stream: 0
====== STREAM Header =====
Type: vids   FCC: cvid (64697663)
Flags: 0
Priority: 0   Language: 0
InitialFrames: 0
Rate: 1000000/66666 = 15,000
Start: 0   Len: 2555
Suggested BufferSize: 6492
Quality 10000
Sample size: 0
found 'bih', 40 bytes of 40
======= VIDEO Format ======
  biSize 40
  biWidth 150
  biHeight 118
  biPlanes 1
  biBitCount 24
  biCompression 1684633187='cvid'
  biSizeImage 14001
==> Found audio stream: 1
====== STREAM Header =====
Type: auds   FCC:  (0)
Flags: 0
Priority: 0   Language: 0
InitialFrames: 12
Rate: 44100/2 = 22050,000
Start: 0   Len: 3754365
Suggested BufferSize: 2940
Quality 10000
Sample size: 2
found 'wf', 16 bytes of 18
======= WAVE Format =======
Format Tag: 1 (0x1)
Channels: 1
Samplerate: 22050
avg byte/sec: 44100
Block align: 2
bits/sample: 16
cbSize: 0
Broken chunk?  chunksize=8  (id=vedt)
Found movie at 0x7F4 - 0xBCC7F4
stream_seek: WARNING! Can't seek to 0xBCC7F4 !
Auto-selected AVI audio ID = 1
Auto-selected AVI video ID = 0
AVI: Searching for audio stream (id:1)
AVI video size=4840750 (2555)  audio size=7508730
VIDEO:  [cvid]  150x118  24bpp  15,000 fps  227,4 kbps (27,8 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:3  fourcc:0x64697663  size:150x118  fps:15,00  ftime:=0,0667
get_path('sub/') -> '/home/michal/.mplayer/sub/'
get_path('default.sub') -> '/home/michal/.mplayer/default.sub'
Opening audio decoder: [pcm] Uncompressed PCM audio decoder
dec_audio: Allocating 2048 + 65536 = 67584 bytes for output buffer.
AUDIO: 22050 Hz, 1 ch, 16 bit (0x10), ratio: 44100->44100 (352,8 kbit)
Selected audio codec: [pcm] afm:pcm (Uncompressed PCM)
X11 opening display: :0.0
vo: X11 color mask:  FFFFFF  (R:FF0000 G:FF00 B:FF)
vo: X11 running at 1024x768 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (":0.0" => local display)
[x11] Detected wm supports layers.
[x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[x11] Unknown wm type...
[x11] Current fstype setting doesn't honour any X atoms
xscreensaver_disable: Could not find xscreensaver window.
Opening video filter: [eq]
Opening video filter: [pp=de]
[eq] query(Planar YV12) -> 3
Opening video decoder: [vfw] Win32/VfW video codecs
======= Win32 (VFW) VIDEO Codec init =======
Loading codec DLL: 'iccvid.dll'
get_path('registry') -> '/home/michal/.mplayer/registry'
Loaded DLL driver iccvid.dll
ICDecompressGetFormatSize ret: 40
ICDecompressGetFormat OK
VDec: vo config request - 150 x 118 (preferred csp: Packed YUY2)
[PP] Using external postprocessing filter, max q = 6.
Trying filter chain: pp eq menu vo
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
SwScale params: -1 x -1 (-1=no scaling)
Trying filter chain: scale pp eq menu vo
VDec: using BGR 24-bit as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
VO Config (150x118->150x118,flags=4,'MPlayer',0x42475218)
SwScaler: using unscaled BGR 24-bit -> Planar YV12 special converter
REQ: flags=0xC37  req=0x0  
REQ: flags=0x437  req=0x0  
REQ: flags=0x437  req=0x0  
get_path('subfont.ttf') -> '/home/michal/.mplayer/subfont.ttf'
Unicode font: 1929 glyphs.
REQ: flags=0x437  req=0x0  
VO: [xmga] 150x118 => 150x118 Planar YV12  [zoom]
VO: Description: Matrox G200/G4x0/G550 overlay in X11 window (using /dev/mga_vid)
VO: Author: Zoltan Ponekker <pontscho@makacs.poliod.hu>
[mga] Using 3 buffers.
Using colorkey: ff00
[xmga] x: 437 y: 325 w: 150 h: 118
[xmga] dcx: 437 dcy: 325 dx: 0 dy: 0 dw: 150 dh: 118
xscreensaver_disable: Could not find xscreensaver window.
ICDecompressQuery OK
Input format:
======= VIDEO Format ======
  biSize 40
  biWidth 150
  biHeight 118
  biPlanes 1
  biBitCount 24
  biCompression 1684633187='cvid'
  biSizeImage 14001
Output format:
======= VIDEO Format ======
  biSize 40
  biWidth 150
  biHeight -118
  biPlanes 1
  biBitCount 24
  biCompression 0=''
  biSizeImage 53100
INFO: Win32 video codec init OK!
Selected video codec: [cvidvfw] vfm:vfw (Cinepak Video)
Checking audio filter chain for 22050Hz/1ch/16bit -> 22050Hz/2ch/16bit...
[libaf] Adding filter dummy 
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=22050Hz, nch = 1, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
AF_pre: af format: 2 bps, 1 ch, 22050 hz, little endian signed int 
AF_pre: 22050Hz 1ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
alsa-init: requested format: 22050 Hz, 2 channels, Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
alsa-init: compiled for ALSA-0.9.8
alsa-init: got device=0, subdevice=0
alsa-init: 1 soundcard found, using: hw:0,0
alsa-init: pcm opend in block-mode
alsa-init: chunksize set to 1024
alsa-init: current val=16, fragcount=16
alsa-init: got buffersize=65536
alsa9: 22050 Hz/2 channels/4 bpf/65536 bytes buffer/Signed 16 bit Little Endian
AO: [alsa9] 22050Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (2 bps)
AO: Description: ALSA-0.9.x audio output
AO: Author: Alex Beregszaszi, Joy Winter <joy@pingfm.org>
AO: Comment: under developement
Building audio filter chain for 22050Hz/1ch/16bit -> 22050Hz/2ch/16bit...
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=22050Hz, nch = 1, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
[libaf] Adding filter channels 
[channels] Changing number of channels to 2
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=22050Hz, nch = 1, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
Starting playback...
alsa-space: free space = 65536, status=141744920, prepared --
[libaf] Reallocating memory in module channels, old len = 0, new len = 65534
*** [scale] Allocating mp_image_t, 150x118x24bpp BGR packed, 53100 bytes
*** [pp] Allocating mp_image_t, 160x118x12bpp YUV planar, 28320 bytes
*** [eq] Allocating mp_image_t, 160x120x12bpp YUV planar, 28800 bytes
*** [menu] Exporting mp_image_t, 150x118x12bpp YUV planar, 26550 bytes
*** [vo] Exporting mp_image_t, 150x118x12bpp YUV planar, 26550 bytes
get_path('subfont.ttf') -> '/home/michal/.mplayer/subfont.ttf'
Unicode font: 1929 glyphs.
[xmga] x: 0 y: 0 w: 150 h: 118
[xmga] dcx: 439 dcy: 325 dx: 0 dy: 0 dw: 150 dh: 118

Uninit audio filters...
[libaf] Removing filter dummy 
[libaf] Removing filter channels 
uninit audio: pcm
uninit video: vfw
Total Unfree 0 bytes cnt 0 [(nil),0]
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x869daa8  
vo: uninit!
alsa-uninit: pcm closed
vo: uninit ...

Exiting... (End of file)