reliable sig11 when trying to playback that video, allways same
position in file.

SwScaler: using unscaled Planar YV12 -> BGR 32-bit special converter
A:  31,6 V:  31,6 A-V:  0,003 ct: -0,041  827/827   6% 15%  2,4% 0 0 0%

MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: decode_audio
- MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.

on a not-so-fresh suse linux, using -vo x11. 
tried with 090rc4 and 090, both built from source.
no other suspicious problems (besides xvideo not working), just a
reliable crash on that one file.

feel free to ask whatever you need to know or want me to try.

Hauke Johannknecht <>