Material captured with WinTV nova-t DVB (digital television, terrestrial)
card, Then used dvb-mplex to remultiplex the program stream to a slightly
"better" contentent, and last GOPchopped to cut suitable part from the file.

Playing this video file gives A/V sync error of about 200 milliseconds (or so,
using alt-keybad-+ to set audio delay to 200 ms it is better in sync). For
example xine has much better (if not perfect) A/V sync with this file.

Mplayer can play the original capture too, it has the same A/V sync difference.

I now tested this with pre10. I have tested other files with rc1, with same
difference. The same problem has been with all mplayers I've played the media 
with since summer 2002 when I got my DVB setup working.

After encoded to .avi (with mencoder!) the resulting .avi file has perfect
A/V sync :O

Sorry to send this without any prior information, but I'm currently not
"member" of any mplayer mailing lists (though reading the archives reqularly).

Tomi Ollila